Congratulations: 2023 President Adrian Nicklen
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Kidlington Bowls Club AGM October 25th 2023.
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Prior to the meeting a minutes silence was held in memory of May Berry and Dave Floyd, both founder members of the club.
President's Day 2023
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The after match meal on Club President Adrian Nicklen’s President’s Day bowls match.
Ben Dickson reaches the Final of the Oxfordshire Under 25's Singles
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The club would like to congratulate our member Ben Dickson on reaching the Final of the Oxfordshire Under 25s Singles, which he will play later on this season. This also means that he will play at Leamington in the Bowls England National Championship in August, and we all at the club wish him good luck.
Open Day In Pictures - May 2023
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Our open day on 13 May 2023 proves that bowls is indeed a sport for all ages and ability.
Please click on an image below to view a larger version...
New Fifteen Year Lease
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Members of the committee celebrating the signing of the new 15 year lease
Pre Season meeting
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Pre Season meeting and Celebration Buffet at the Clubhouse.
Thursday, March 30th at 7pm.
All members welcome.
Bowls Oxfordshire Unification Matters
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Bowls Oxfordshire have now put forward a consultation document for the unification of bowls in Oxfordshire. This can be found on the Bowls Oxfordshire Website. If anyone has comments to make on it, please let Maureen Cox have them. As a club we have to reply to this as to whether we agree to the proposal or not by November 28th.
Kidington Bowls Club bags £1000
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Kidington Bowls Club bags £1000 from Tesco’s community grant scheme
Kidlington Bowls Club will receive £1000 that it will use to ensure that people with disabilities, including those in wheelchairs have access to play this inclusive sport.
Kidlington Bowls club have pledged to enable “Bowlers with a Disability” to engage and re-engage in the sport of bowls. The Club has worked to improve access to the green and facilities but a taster session run in conjunction with ‘Disability Bowls England’ identified that the club lacked a range of adapted bowling aids including a specialist wheelchair, to allow individuals with mobility issues to participate on a regular basis in the sport.
Maureen Cox, Chairperson of the Club, said: “For a small club, being able to offer facilities to include those in the community who are less mobile and enable them to play bowls, is very important.”
Claire de Silva, Tesco’s Head of Community, said: “Tesco Community Grants help support local good causes like Kidlington Bowls Club and especially those projects supporting greater participation in sport, and local causes close to our colleagues’ hearts.”
Tesco Community Grants is run in partnership with community focused charity Groundwork, who has awarded grants to thousands of local community projects every year.
Tesco’s Community Grants scheme – previously Tesco Bags of Help - has already provided over £90 million to more than 40,000 projects across Britain.
Groundwork’s National Chief Executive, Graham Duxbury, said: “Tesco Community Grants continues to give local projects the boost they need to help their communities thrive. We are pleased to have been able to help so many local good causes over the years and look forward to seeing what community organisations can achieve in the future
with the right resources.”
Funding is available to community groups and charities looking to fund local projects that bring benefits to communities. To find out more visit
Mandy Rodway being presented with the Gwen Steel Unbadged Singles Trophy
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Mandy Rodway being presented with the Gwen Steel Unbadged Singles Trophy by Depack Tanna, Bowls England Senior Vice President at the Bowls Oxfordshire Ladies Luncheon.
Jim Feeley - OBA Officers Cup Winner - 2022
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Jim Feeley; OBA Officers Cup Winner - 2022
Mandy Rodway - BOL Gwen Steel Unbadged Singles Trophy winner - 2022
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Mandy Rodway - Bowls Oxfordshire Ladies Gwen Steel Unbadged Singles Trophy winner - 2022.
Oxfordshire Under 25s Pairs Winners - 2022
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Richard Priscott
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We are sad to announce that Richard Priscott, founder member and coach at the club has passed away after a long illness.
Presentation Evening Sat 16th October 2021
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The Seasons club competition winners were recognised at our best Presentation evening yet. 44 members and their guests enjoyed a curry, chillie or cottage pie following the presentation ceremony.
Bob arranged a quiz, during the meal and top marks went to Bill Bailey who scored 100% on the music quiz.
List of results were:
Thank you to the Markers:
Alan Rowe, Bernie May, Adrian Nicklen, Clive Taylor, Veta Bennett, Sue Feeley
Click HERE for the presentation photos.
Kidlington Bowls Club had a Successful 2021 Season
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Here we are at the end of what turned out to be a very busy season despite the slow start due to the Covid restrictions. Its been a successful season, with all but a few social fixtures going ahead and notable recognition that Kidlington is one of the top clubs in the County, with requests for the use of the green as a neutral venue for 5 County / National finals, league semi-finals, and re arranged Past Presidents and County Games.
I would like to thank all those club members who have supported the club by playing in the many social fixtures. But also to those who have given up their time to help out with the:
- Acting Captain role
- Maintenance, gardening and hedge cutting
- Coaching and supporting the new members
- Bar persons
- General support and refreshments for the many County, and other fixtures/ finals we have hosted over the season.
You are too many to mention but you know who you are. The club would not exist without this support, and look forward to more participation to keep the club running next year as we will be hosting both the Middleton Cup and Home Counties games in 2022.
Notable club successes.
Congratulations to the Senior 4’s team of Alan Rowe, Bob Wright , Jim Feeley and Paul McGrath who represented Oxfordshire at the recent National finals in Leamington Spa. They won the first round, but were then narrowly defeated by Warwickshire, who were the eventual runners up of the competition.
Congratulations to Mandy Rodway who was runner up in the Blay Cup competition last weekend. Kidlington were well represented by Veta Bennet who was beaten in the Semi final and Joy Williams who participated in the Blay Plate competition. Well done ladies.
Dates for the Diary.
Sun 19th September. Finals day. See notice board for details.
There will be a workparty to put the green to bed. Please see notice board for details.
1st October 2021. Start of short mat season in the clubhouse. Thereafter Friday afternoons, 2-4 pm. Contact Flo Harris or Charlie Holley for more details.
16th October 2021. Presentation Evening and meal. Please add your name and food choices to the list in the Foyer. The meal will be free to bowlers as a thanks for continuing to support the club by paying rink fees during the season. Guests £5.
Wed 27th October AGM. 7 pm in the clubhouse. Please add your names to the sheet in the foyer if you are able to support the committee for 2022. The club cannot run without a committee, and its not good for the club or the existing committee members to continue to take on numerous roles.
Friday night socials.
These will commence fortnightly throughout the Autumn/ Winter months form 7 -10.30 pm on the following dates: There will be a bar rota and many hands make light work so please volunteer to help if able. Training can be given if required.
October 8th and 22nd
November 5th and 19th
December 3rd and 17th (Xmas raffle see below)
There will be no Friday night socials on Dec 24th (xmas eve) or 31 st (new years eve)
Jan 7th and 21st
Feb 4th and 18th
March 4th and 18th
April 1st and 15th.
Sat 27th November Skittles night with fish and chip supper. 7pm. Cost £10 per person.
Numbers will be limited so please add your name to the list in the Foyer.
Friday 17th December. Xmas draw. 7 pm. In the Clubhouse. With mulled wine and mince pies. Draw to start 8.30 pm.
As they say in bowling terms at this time of year, ”Winter well,” but don’t forget the club is there for you, and your support is appreciated.
Kidlington Senior 4s Success
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Congratulations to Alan Rowe, Bob Wright, Jim Feeley and Paul McGrath who won the County Senior 4s yesterday.
Good luck, guys, at Leamington later this summer.
Open Day 2021 Report
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Sunday 6th June open day turned out to be a great day. Over 35 individuals of all ages turned up to give the sport a go. We hope to see many of these joining the club in the weeks to come.
If you missed the day and would like to try your hand please contact Sue Feeley on 01865 377588.
Its Great to be Back in Action again
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Its great to be back in action again on the bowls green. It was heartening to see so many members booking for Roll-up sessions over the week, with Jim and Derek (photo left), and Sue, being the first to book the very first session available on Monday morning. 25 members have booked at various times over the week. Lets keep this enthusiasm up and try to encourage those who have not yet ventured onto the green to do so.
Don't forget to book your session, for contact tracing purposes, during the next few weeks until restrictions are hopefully eased.
I have received a request to put the Covid Safe procedure on the website, but please note these are displayed in several places around the club.
We are adhering to the restrictions, however this is new to us all, if you are at all uncomfortable with anything going forward or feel we have not interpreted the advice correctly, please do not hesitate to speak to a member of the committee.
Looking forward to the first match this afternoon, with the sun shinning hopefully as well. Please keep putting your name down on the sheets. despite the numbers available to play in any one match being restricted currently. Do not be offended if you are asked to act as reserve. In the current climate it is important that we have a group of people the Captain could draw on at short notice. Every effort will be made to ensure those asked to stand as reserve will be included in the next game they indicate they available for.
See you on the green,
Maureen and the Committee
President's Charity - Cancer Research UK
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County Champion of Champions
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Oxfordshire Ladies Blay Cup Winners
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Congratulations to the winners of the Oxfordshire Ladies Blay Cup, Joy Williams and Margaret Morris, played at Kidlington Bowls Club on Saturday, 7th of September 2019.
President’s Day, Saturday 17 August 2019
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The result of the game was immaterial; the winners were the Charity and the sport of Bowls. The interim total raised for Cancer Research on the day was £487.00p, which brings the total raised so far this season £1078.00 .
Club Tour to Weston-super-Mare 2019
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Our first match was at the Clarence Bowling Club, which has 3 greens and a clubhouse and facilities to be proud of.
The second match was at the Victoria Bowling Club, which was won by 134 shots to 86 (+48).
The highest winning rink was Mandy Rodway, Charlie Holley, Paul McGrath and Pam Willoughby by 29-12.
The third match was on our way home at Westlecot Bowling Club in Swindon. This match was lost by 95 shots to 112, but the hospitality was enjoyed by everyone as was the 2 course meal provided by our hosts.
The highest winning rink was Veta Bennett, Janet Hamilton, Bob Foster and Jim Feeley by 20-11.
Our thanks, once again, goes to Sue Feeley for all her hard work in organising the tour and finding us a lovely hotel in which to stay.
County Unbadged Pairs Final Result
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Vita Bennett and Joy Williams contested the County Unbadged Pairs Final at the weekend. Unfortunately they were runners up in a very competitive match; the score was 13 - 14.
Vita Bennett | Joy Williams |
President Chris Cox’s Charity
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Skittles Evening - November 2018
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A Skittles evening was held in the club on Saturday 24th November 2018, attended by 60 members and guests. The evening also included a fish and chip supper.
Bernie May - Ready To Go
The winning team were The Opals (right):
Flo Harris, Ray Harris, Olly Butler, Dor Davenport, Eddie Kane and Dave Sawyerwith a total of 134 .
President's charity, Ladies CoC and Club Competition Results.
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Maureen Cox reached the quarterfinal of the county ladies Champion of Champions and was narrowly beaten by the eventual winner.
Results from this years Competitions:
- Ladies Champion: Maureen Cox. Runner Up: Pam Willoughby
- Ladies Controis Cup: Maureen Cox. Runner Up: Daphne Wyse.
- Ladies Never One Cup: Pam Willoughby. Runner Up: Joy Williams.
- W.Coles Cup: Jim Feeley. Runner Up: Bob Foster.
- Harry Woodward Cup: Paul McGrath. Runner Up: Brian Ray.
- Terry & Margaret Ellis Bowl: Jim Feeley. Runner Up: Steve Gibson.
- Men’s Never One Trophy: Barry Willoughby. Runner Up: Dave Watson.
- Harold Hibbert Cup (Drawn Mixed Pairs): Winners Joy Williams & Jim Feeley. Runners Up: Daphne Wyse & Alan Rowe
- Swift Trophy (Drawn Open Triples): Winners Sue Feeley, Brian Ray, Jim Feeley. Runners Up: Pat Ray, Pat Fagan, Derek Watson.
- Amoret Trophy (Husband and Wife): Winners Sue & Jim Feeley. Runners Up: Maureen & Chris Cox.
Maureen Cox support Oxford Hospitals Charity
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Bowls tour to Eastbourne - 2018
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This year the clubs annual Bowls tour was to Eastbourne staying at the Langham Hotel which is situated right on the sea front with views across the bay; a hotel which was enjoyed by everyone.
Our tour was arranged by Sue Feeley who, as usual, had everything running like clockwork.
Three matches were arranged against clubs two in Eastbourne and one on our return journey at Marlow. of the 3 matches we won 1 and narrowly lost the other 2.
First match was against The Royal Sovereign Bowls club in Eastbourne which was won by 159 shots to 92.
Highest winning rink was Joy Williams, Adrian Nicklen, Barry Willoughby and Bernie May, 35 -5.
Second match was against The Parade Bowls club in Eastbourne which was lost narrowly by 124 shots to 136. Highest winning rink was Pat Hunt. Gerry Walker, Barry Willoughby and Mike Petersen, 19 - 11.
The last match was against Marlow Bowls club which was lost by 102 shots to 110. Highest winning rink was Elsie Taylor, Mike Eggbeer, Daphne Wyse and Jim Feeley, 22 - 11.
A well organised and run tour. Many thanks Sue, from everyone who came.
Maureen Cox and Veta Bennett
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Open Day and President's Day News
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Halloween Fancy Dress Evening 2017
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Here are the fancy dress winners - Angie May and Mike Peterson.
... and your very own spooky barman - Alan Rowe
Club Competition Results 2017
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H.Woodward Cup: Winner: Jim Feeley | Amoret Trophy: Winners Sue & Jim Feeley |
Kidlington men in League Cup Semi Final
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Match between the Lord Mayors of Oxford and Abingdon
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Pam Willoughby, our Oxfordshire Ladies County President, is attending the Bowls National Championships at Leamington Spa in support of the Oxfordshire ladies who have qualified to play there.
Pam Willoughby's Invitation President's Day
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Here are the Kidlington bowlers who along with Pam took part in the game.
Club Coaches
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Skittles Night - Saturday 22 April 2017
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The evening was a tremendous success in which 9 teams of 6 players took part in 3
rounds of skittles and which ended with a win by the Ferrari's.
Teresa Dunstone, Bernard Dunstone, Pam Willoughby, Barry Willougbhy, Sue Foster and Bob Foster with a total of 141 Skittles knocked down - an evening enjoyed by everyone.